April 13


Questions when Comparing Spanish Health Insurers

Comparing Spanish health insurance providers is key when deciding who you choose to be your health provider. There are pros and cons of each company and your personal situation will mean one company is better suited than another.

Key questions to ask

  • Do you need Spain only cover
  • Do you need international coverage
  • Is it for you or are there more than persons on policy
  • Diferent companies are more competitive for certain ages
  • Do you have preconditions

Questions for the Insurance company

Once you are clear on the above key questions you can approach insurers with the next questions.

The first question is what is the small print. That is to say what are the limitations of the policy. I have listed a few below.

  • Are there waiting times and if so how long are they
  • Are all scans and blood tests covered
  • Are any types of surgery excluded such as green laser
  • Is the network of hospitals and doctors extensive
  • Are there services in your area


It is fairly certain that your network of friends will have private health cover. Asking their experience will give you a good idea if the companies you have narrowed down your search to are also used by them

Consider using a broker

In this day and age it is easy to make a quick decision online and go direct to the insurer. We would recommend using a broker before jumping in. A broker will have extensive experience with many companies giving you all the information on the companies you are considering. On top of this a broker will have leverage with all companies so in the eventuality that you need help or are having issues they can be there for you and give advice on the best course of action,


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